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Hey, party peeps! It’s FALL! And you know what that means: All of our favorite TV show season premieres are happening! I, for one, am a HUGE Empire fan and couldn’t wait for this next season. At the last minute, I decided to host an Empire Viewing Party for a few girlfriends. When I say “last minute,” I mean, I decided to host the party 3 days before the season premiere! I know, I know—crazy, right? Well, it’s easier than you think with my Top 10 Tips for the Busy Hostess! You can apply these tips to any type of party, but when you are super busy and decide to host a party at the last minute, trust me, you will want to know these shortcuts!
Save time by starting your party after the dinner hour so you don’t have to take time to cook and serve dinner to your guests! After a long day at work, trust me, this is an invaluable tip. Since most shows begin as early as 8 p.m., invite your guests to arrive at 7:30 p.m. and offer snacks like popcorn and desserts instead.
GIRLFRIEND TIP: For a time-saving tip, if you have a family to cook dinner for on the night of your viewing party, use your slow cooker that day to make dinner for them so dinner’s less time-consuming and stressful. It’s my go-to fix for a hearty meal when I’m busy. It cooks all day while I’m working, is ready when I come home, and, when it’s time for dinner, I simply serve from the pot.
Once the show starts, you’ll want few interruptions, so be sure to set up a snack bar with snacks that your guests can get on their own throughout the show. Place the table in a place easily accessible to your guests so they can still see and hear the show when they have to get up to get their snacks.
GIRLFRIEND TIP: Add a custom touch and incorporate a show’s signature color into your party’s decor! My favorite character on Empire is Cookie. I wanted to incorporate elements of her as well as the show itself into the table’s decor. Empire’s signature color is gold, which just happens to be very trendy right now! Target is on trend with lots of gold serveware that you can pick up, like the gold trays you’ll see later in this post. To dress up the table, I used a sparkly gold runner and a fur throw blanket on the table instead of a tablecloth—inspired by Cookie’s wardrobe, which consists of LOTS of fur and bling!
Stock up on white and clear trays and bowls to match any party’s decor. Target has an entire aisle of white and clear serveware, including plates, cups, mugs, trays, bowls and more at great prices, so you can have an entire set of serveware on hand to pull out at the last minute. White and clear serveware goes with almost any themed party!
GIRLFRIEND TIP: Be sure to check out the clearance aisles at Target when shopping. I totally scored on these clear acrylic chip-and-dip bowls with lids for only $3.98 each! WHAT??!! I know! They are perfect for parties in a rush! I simply filled them with salsa and bite-sized tortilla chips and I’m all set! Since they have lids, they stack perfectly, so you can fill them in advance of your party with vegetables or fruit and dips, cover them, and put them in the fridge. When it’s party time, take them out of the fridge, remove the lids, and sit them on your table. That’s it! Total timesaver!
Offer premade single-serve desserts on the snack table. Target offers Market Pantry and Archer Farms bite-sized and single-serve desserts, such as these chocolate-chip cookies and brownie bites that go from the container to a serving tray in minutes! They are my go-to party snacks in a hurry. As a timesaver, look for desserts that are already packaged in containers that are similar in size to the serving trays you will use to display them. This is an easy way to see how much you’ll need to buy. You can see that this container of brownie bites fits perfectly on a square gold tray that I used to serve them on. There was no guess-work involved. I knew one container would fill the entire tray. Same with the cookies. I had long, skinny trays, too, which would fit the entire container of cookies when displayed in one long row. This simplifies the stress of trying to figure out how many desserts to buy and prevent you from buying too many or not enough to fill your serving trays.
GIRLFRIEND TIP: Have your party stand out with a signature dessert inspired by the show you’re watching! For an Empire viewing party I offered a variety of cookies in honor of my favorite Empire character—Cookie!
No one wants to have to pause the show to wait to pop more popcorn! Microwave all the popcorn ahead of time and offer your guests individual-sized bowls so they can fill them before the show starts. Place extra popcorn in a large bowl with a scooper or in a popcorn maker so your guests can refill any time.
GIRLFRIEND TIP: Be on the lookout for these tabletop popcorn makers. I don’t pop popcorn in them, as I happen to love the taste and convenience of microwave popcorn. A few minutes in the microwave and you’re done. Then I simply pop a few extra bags and place the extra popcorn into the popcorn maker, which makes for a fabulous display at your party!
I stumbled upon this tip when hosting a movie night party one weekend. I set up a snack bar and realized I didn’t have enough end tables or cocktail tables in my family room for people to put their snacks and drinks on! People were putting their drinks on the floor next to their feet while eating their food from their plates and, instead of watching the movie, all I could do was stress out over who was going to spill their food and drinks all over my furniture and rug! NOT a good feeling. So, I went out and bought a bunch of end tables and cocktails table, right? NO WAY! Instead, I purchased these fabulous individual-sized clear serving trays for each guest. It works perfectly for guests to place their snacks and drinks on their trays before the show starts and then have a sturdy, flat surface to place on their laps. The individual bowls are great, too, so your guests don’t have to share.
GIRLFRIEND TIP: These acrylic Room Essentials trays from Target are great, as they are smaller than the traditional serving trays, which can be a bit big when sitting next to someone. Be sure to look for the smaller ones.
When you think about watching your favorite TV show premieres, you picture yourself wrapped in a comfy blanket and cozy on your couch, right? Well when you invite your friends over to watch at your house, create a cozy inviting environment for them, too, by having a throw blanket for each guest to wrap up in. Trust me, this tip will make you a rock-star hostess!
GIRLFRIEND TIP: Want to go the extra mile? Offer coordinating throw blanket and matching throw pillows that match your party’s colors. Empire’s main color palette is gold and white, so how perfect are these super soft white pillows and blankets with strands of gold metallic threads woven throughout? Super comfy!
You know this is the best tip yet! The worst thing you want to do when watching your favorite TV show is to worry that one of your guests is going to spill their red wine on your couch or rug! You know I’m right! And trust me, you don’t want to be the one to do it either, so guests ALWAYS appreciate a spill-free cup option! These insulated drink cups with lids and straws from Target are great, as they are large enough to be filled once and last throughout an entire hour-long show and the double insulation keeps a drink cold for hours!
GIRLFRIEND TIP: Want to really wow your guests? For those of you who are wine drinkers or have friends who are, you’re gonna love this! Target now has these spill-free wine glass tumblers! They are just like adult sippy cups! GENIUS! You can pour your favorite white or red wine into these wine tumblers and enjoy your wine without any fear of spills! How FABULOUS is that?
Sorry, ladies, but really: We have been waiting months to see the premiere of our favorite TV shows! As the hostess, don’t you just want to escape into the world of Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy without the kiddos yelling for you from the other room! Trust me, your guests will love you for this. My husband is so great about this…he gladly takes the kids out to dinner and does something fun with them while me and my girlfriends get cozy to watch our must-see shows!
GIRLFRIEND TIP: If getting a babysitter to watch your kids outside the home just won’t work, no worries! I’ve certainly been in that boat! Try this: Pickup the latest kid’s movie from Target, pop some popcorn for the kiddos, and set them up in another room to have their own movie night while you’re hosting your viewing party downstairs! It works for me.
So, true story: I was hosting a movie night one night and my husband left with the kids and I couldn’t get the sound to work on our home theatre system! SERIOUSLY–what a fail! Don’t make this mistake. I was sure to get the full tutorial on our home theatre system the next day! Good news—it had a happy ending. My husband walked me through getting it to work over the phone. It was up and running BEFORE my guests arrived! Whew…that was a close one!
I hope I’ve inspired you to host your own TV show viewing party this season! It’s easy if you follow my tips.
– Styling and photography: Soiree Event Design
– Chip-and-dip trays, gold trays, pillows & throw blankets, desserts, popcorn, wine tumblers and acrylic trays and bowls: Target
Check out my virtual shopping list so you can get all you need for your next Empire Viewing Party!
Follow Soiree Event Design’s board Empire Viewing Party on Pinterest.

I have never seen this movie before, but what an awesome theme for people who are big fans 🙂
I can’t even handle the awesomeness of this because popcorn and cookies are absolutely my two favorite snacks.
I’ve never seen Empire! Perhaps I can catch up on episodes.
One of my favorite shows! Great tips, I am definitely going to purchase the spill free wine tublers.
I love that you found all these great items at Target! I love their great prices 🙂
I have never watched Empire, but my hubby and I are quite addicted to Supernatural 🙂
Love the color scheme and the menu. Stylish and sleek entertaining, minus all the heat from turning on the stove in the kitchen!!
I love it! Empire is all about attitude and bling, and your setup certainly has both of them in spades.
You are very talented, I totally love all the glamorous decorations. Just beautiful!!!! 😀
Wow you really roll out the red carpet for this! I want to come to one of your parties, you spoil your guests!
I wonder if my Target has those dishes anymore so great for entertaining.
I need those insulated wine tumblers! Genius! I’ve never watched Empire, but it looks really good.
I’m going to have to give it a try too. We’re almost finished with SoA then we’ll have nothing to watch on Fridays!
Great ideas and tips!!! I am loving that popcorn machine – so chic!
I love those trays! I need to head to Target soon.
I also love the idea for the blankets. I am a cold natured person and I usually freeze at someone else’s house. That was very thoughtful.
1. I love your popcorn maker!
2. Um…can we be friends? I’ll bring wine.
3. This looks like so much fun.
4. Great idea!!!
5. The wine tumblers- I love!
OKAY! Just your comment alone makes me absolutely confident we should be friends! LOL!
This looks like so much fun! I’d choose to host a Ray Donovan viewing party…he is fun to “view”. 🙂 I love the insulated wine tumblers and the cozy throws…makes for a really perfect get-together with the girls!
I’m digging the wine tumblers!!!
You have the best parties. I am loving the no spill glasses and throw blankets.
Who doesn’t love the new Empire series! I must get with the program! What a great idea for a party! Moms night out, that’s what I’m thinking!
Oh Lawd a wine sippy cup, thank you! I am Team Cookie all the way and TGIT every week. Love these tips, keep em coming!
Wow, what a great party! I bet your guests really enjoyed themselves, the treats sound yummy!
What fun tips for planning a viewing party. I so agree with knowing how the theater works before everyone comes. LOL
I have never seen this film. My, you have done a beautiful setting. I love the popcorn display and the wine tumbler.
What a great party! We don’t have parties in our house that often due to kids and pets, but we are finally having a Halloween costume party this year! Great tips!
Oh wow this is a great looking party setup. I’m loving the super modern look.
As much as I love cooking and hosting dinner parties I never go this all out! I need to up the ante, lol!
What girlfriend! If I lived closer that would have been so much fun to attend. Love the tips for sure.
Love! Love! Love! I have never watched the show but I would have loved to attend the party. The set up looks so nice! The popcorn maker is a must have.
I’ve never thought to have a themed party but this is so cool! You got all that from Target? Amazing .. those trays are everything.
This party looks so fun and elegant. Great job!
Seriously, how do I get invited to your parties? They are always so awesome! This one is no exception. Excellent ideas!
Love those spill proof glasses and the idea of a tray for each person
I have not seen Empire, but guess what? The way you set up the venue for your party is so classy! Those wine tumblers would be of good use at any outdoor party too.
I absolutely love your set up! Looks so classy and elegant! I love the wine tumbler idea.. so cool and neat!
What a beautiful table setting! I heard that show was great too..I’m going to have to start watching it!
It’s funny – I have crystal pieces that I put out for holidays only and I just realized why: because I love the clear look. I could get these dishes and put them out ALL THE TIME. Love! Thank you!
Wow. This is stunning. What an awesome way to host a viewing party. This is so lovely.
I’ve never seen Empire but this viewing party looks amazing and I may need to start watching it!!
I wanna come party at your house! Empire, popcorn, cookies, and all that jazzed up party decor!!! Fabulous. Now I’m on the hunt for one of these tumbler wine glasses! Genius! Love Target!
I haven’t gotten into that shows but all your ideas are cute. And that wine tumbler! What? Need it.
I really love the idea of a snack bar when hosting a party. I love your idea of throw blankets too. Thanks for the tips!
These are great tips. We are excited about the new season of Doctor Who. Our whole family watches it together. Heroes Reborn is another one i am looking forward to.
Love the idea of having spill proof glasses…sometimes the adults in our lives are messier than the kids! I think I might be the only one to honestly say I have not heard of Empire. Will have to check and see if it’s available in our area.
Looking at those snacks makes me hungry. It’s been a while since I had popcorn.
This sounds like a fun party. I’ve never seen the movie Empire but I do love all of your goodies. They are perfect for movie night.
The self serve station makes popcorn look glamorous. 🙂 I think you’ve done a great job.
Sounds like such a great night! There’s even brownies and cookies! My kind of movie party!
I absolutely love your tip about stocking up on clear or white dishes to match any theme. It look elegant, and keeps shopping simple!
Empire is one of my favorite ‘network shows’, great party! I got to see those wine tumblers for the first time at a blogging event just about two years ago and they always make me smile!
What a glamorous set up. I have yet to watch this show, but some of the previews have pulled me in.
And hello, brownie bites. My boys love to get those!
Your posts are always so awesome. I would love to attend any of the parties you have set up for.
What a wonderful idea. I love your set up. It looks very nice! This would make an awesome party! I’m sure my guests would love it.
Omg I swear I could live inside target lol… I’m always hosting something and target always has those random things I need to make sure my party is a hit!
I love how you have everything set up so beautifully! I haven’t watched Empire yet, but my favorite show right now is How to Get Away with Murder.
I love the tip about assembling not cooking! I feel like cooking adds so much stress and takes away from the fun!
Great tips, Tonya! I love the products;especially the acrylic trays! I plan to purchase a full set of them.
don’t kill me but I’ve never seen Empire before. I keep hearing about it but never remember to DVR it… and plus, isn’t it a couple of seasons in? 🙁
But the party theme you have is absolutely gorgeous, and the wine tumbler? SO cute!
This looks like a party fit for an empire to say the least. Love it all!